One Reply to “Valentines for the Singles”

  1. As a single woman in my 20s, I’ve found that being alone on Valentine’s Day hits differently than on birthdays or Christmas. There’s something about February 14th that amplifies the feeling of loneliness. Maybe it’s the barrage of heart-shaped chocolates, the endless rows of romantic cards, or the flood of couples’ photos on social media. It all serves as a constant reminder that I’m on my own.

    On birthdays and Christmas, there’s a general spirit of celebration that includes everyone, regardless of their relationship status. Friends and family gather, gifts are shared, and the focus is on collective joy. But Valentine’s Day? It feels exclusively reserved for couples, making my single status stand out.

    The pressure to be in a relationship feels magnified on this day. Everywhere I look, there are special couple’s deals, romantic getaways, and advertisements that equate love with being part of a pair. It makes me question my own worth and wonder why I haven’t found “the one” yet.

    Even though I’m confident and usually happy being single, Valentine’s Day has a way of making me feel incomplete, as if my value is somehow less because I don’t have someone to share the day with. The contrast is stark compared to birthdays or Christmas, where being single can still allow for full participation in all the festivities.

    In the end, it’s just one day out of the year, but the intensity of feeling left out is stronger than any other holiday. I know I’m not alone in these feelings, and I try to remind myself that my worth isn’t tied to my relationship status. But on Valentine’s Day, that’s easier said than done.

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