Kate’s Urethral Play Story – PART ONE!

Hey all, my name is Kate and I would like to tell you my Urethral Play Story!

Sex with my long term partner Mark has been really great. Considering that we have been married for a couple of years now. We sometimes get into a routine and things can get some what boring.

This does not imply that our sex life is boring as the two of us made sure of that! We make love, explore different options and test boundaries with each other. We have attempted pretty much every sex position and tried every opening that is conceivable.

We use Sex Toys

Sex toys like vibrators and dildos have been a part of our love making regime for quite some time now.  It has probably been around two years when Mark first introduced a lady called “Ty” to me.  I think he probably saw a few photos on the web of her too.

She is certainly not the most attractive porn star out there. He showed me a photo of her. She is what is known as a gaping queen and inserted objects into her urethra or as Mark likes to say her ‘pee gap’. He was so excited about the whole concept. I recollect him saying that he wished his little finger would fit into my urethra a number of times after watching her on screen.


Urethral Play Story
Catheter bag

Trying Catheter Bags

After several weeks he surprised me by bringing home two catheters which I had never seen before and did not know much about.  He told me he had bought them online, they were foley catheters in two sizes.  One was relatively small and the other a bit thicker – they were in sterile packaging.

When I went to unwrap them Mark told me not to touch them until we were ready to use them as this would help to avoid the catheters getting any dirt or bacteria on them.

I am a woman who has never experienced urethral play before so I was excited yet a little scared when the night came and I saw Mark put on some sterile white latex gloves to try out one of the foley catheters. He asked me to spread my legs wide with my knees bent similar to the position when women are placed in stirrups at the gynecologist’s surgery.

He stood between my legs and carefully unwrapped the smaller of the two catheters.  With a simple, ‘here we go’ he began to test my pee gap with the tip of the catheter and within moments had inserted it an inch or so up inside me.

My First Pee Play

Feeling it slide inside me caused me no stress or pain however my clit became harder and a wonderful pins and needles feeling began inside my pee gap. It was enjoyable so I asked him to place it further inside me.  As he did, I had the incredible urge to pee.

Not being able to control myself I relieved myself all over the bed. Luckily, Mark had the foresight to place a towel underneath me. I looked up at his smiling face and I could see that when he watched me urinate it greatly pleased and aroused him.

Foley catheter erotic story
Image: Kate’s Urethral Erotica Story

The catheter was now about 3 inches inside me and the urination stopped so he gently began to push it further in. He filled a little plastic syringe with sterile water that connected to the catheter and began to squeeze the liquid through the tube. I could feel a little bag expanding just past the entrance of my bladder.  It was a weird but in no way an uncomfortable experience.

Mark said “It’s in now.  Get up, have a walk around.”

I Went For A Walk With The Catheter Inside Me

I got up and walked around the bedroom with the catheter hanging out of my you know what. I was fascinated by the bizarre feeling. We kept it in for about an hour whilst Mark vigilantly brought me glasses of water to drink until eventually I felt the incredible urge to pee but could not.

Mark mischievously opened a small valve and we watched as the bag quickly filled with my urine. The relief I felt was overwhelming.

Knowing that Mark now had the power over whether I would urinate or not made me extremely horny and I began playing with my clit. In just a few strokes I orgasmed. I could see that Mark also played with his bulge through the front of his pants.

This was our first foray into catheter play and I have to say I was already a fan.  There was no pain and I hate pain. Needless to say we had a big sex session afterwards and both my holes were well accommodated by his hard and thick cock.

A Week Later We Tried It Again

About a week had passed when Mark asked if I would like to try catheter play again.  Of course I was interested and even more so when I saw that he had brought the thicker one into the bedroom. This time I noticed that he also had a large bottle of lubricant with him.

I was more turned on than the previous week as I knew what was about to happen and felt much more comfortable.  I assumed the position wondering if this would go in as easily as the first one. Mark quickly unwrapped the catheter, generously put lube all over the tip and began to very slowly worm the catheter into my urethral opening.  My urethra dilated to allow access to the catheter and I climaxed before it was even an inch inside me, I gushed all over Mark’s face and hands.

I Orgasmed

This was so weird, he had not even touched my clit but I had an earth shattering explosion of an orgasm. When I orgasmed, I yelled out how much I loved my husband.

After I had finished orgasming I could not hold back and eagerly grabbed Mark’s cock and put it in my mouth. I grabbed his buttocks and forced him to thrust his hard cock in my mouth, I did my best to encourage him to throat fuck me.  I deep-throated him and in minutes he shot his load down my eager throat. Now we both had cum.

I Asked Him To Stretch My Urethra

I asked Mark to test how far he could stretch and go up my urethra with this thick catheter. Now, I have to be honest, part of this was for me but I also wanted Mark to realize his fantasy of sticking his finger in my urethra just like in the amazing adult video we watched of Ty the porn star.  I thought to myself what a feeling that would be as I knew how much of a turn on this would be for him.

Over the next few weeks we trialled a whole heap of different things in my urethera (always making sure they were sterile) like a toothbrush handle, a pen and even a texta. Each item had a different feeling which all ultimately lead to sexual satisfaction for the both of us.

I Began To Insert Fingers In My Urethra

He would insert one of the items and take it out with a smooth and gentle thrusting motion. On many occasions for reasons that are unknown to me I would orgasm through the urethra. It would set off a blended orgasm and my sphincter would go into spasms of delight.

It was such a turn on that I began to experiment when Mark was not home with some solo play. It was not long before I managed to graduate to some pinky play where I would finger fuck my urethra.  The only drawback with my pinkie finger fucking was that it was not long enough, so I began to experiment with my other fingers.  Slowly I graduated to thicker and longer fingers until I could fully insert my index finger all the way up to the knuckle.

It took a few of these sessions till I finally came clean with Mark to let him know what I had done. At first I thought he may be a little angry with my solo sexual escapades.  However he surprised me by being all the more enthused and asked if he could watch.

This has opened my eyes up to the world of urethral sounding for women!

Kate’s Urethral Dilation Story – PART TWO

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