Top 6 Exercise Tips For Improved Sexual Health

It is possible for people to improve their sexual athleticism via training. There are exercises that function to develop a solid core, boost stamina and improve flexibility. This allows you to easily co-ordinate flexion as well extension of the hips and spine with the help of glutes, hip flexors, and abdominals and erector muscles. This is why it is important to learn a few tips to guide you to improved sexual health.

The following are some top tips that can help to give your sex life a significant boost:


Kegels is a common exercise that both men and women can perform in order to strengthen the pubococcygeus muscle (popularly known as PC). This muscle acts as a hammock to support pelvic organs such as the rectum, reproductive organs and the bladder. Because the PC muscle is responsible for contraction during orgasm, it can tremendously improve the sexual function in women as well as men. In men, it can result in erections that are stronger and longer-lasting. Kegels are beneficial because of their simplicity and you can do them literally anywhere. The aim should always to focus on the PC muscle rather than the other muscles around it. For women, this can be achieved by inserting a finger in the vagina or by using a Kegel exerciser and trying to contract and release all the muscles that are around it. Starting and stopping urine flow is also a good way of achieving this. However, Kegels should not be performed when urinating after the muscle is identified because it weakens it. Hold the contraction for 5 seconds then release for ten repetitions daily.

Strengthen the core

Strengthening the core involves muscles at the pelvis, abdomen, lower back and middle back. All these muscles are essential with regard to sexual positions. This is because they contribute to thrust. Exercises that can be performed to strengthen the core are crunches; the quadruped is an ideal manoeuvre. You can start out on both the knees and hands, the hands should be aligned beneath the shoulders while the knees should be aligned with the hips. Remember to tighten the abdomen and breathe. Proceed to lift as well as straighten the right leg and arm to make them level with the spine. This functions to work the trunk and abs muscles as you attempt to maintain balance. This position should be held for a while, release then alternate with the left leg and right arm. Working on holding it for much longer.

Cardiovascular exercise

All exercise routines should incorporate an aerobic or cardiovascular activity that is performed at a pace that is both moderate and continuous for 20 minutes at a go. It functions to raise the heart rate for long periods while strengthening the body, inclusive of the lungs and heart. If these organs are conditioned, the more the efficient they become. This will increase your sexual endurance. Some simple forms of cardio are cross-country skiing, bicycling, running or speed-walking. Indoors, you can use a stationary bike or a treadmill.


Yoga can improve your flexibility; this will provide you with better balance, energy and strength for sex. The cobbler’s pose also known as the baddha konasana can improve sex life through stretching of the groin and hip muscles. There are many sexual performance boosting yoga positions to try out.

Leg strength

Legs that are powerful and strong form the body’s foundation. All types of sexual positions can greatly benefit from good leg strength. Leg exercises target the calves (lower legs), the hamstrings and the quadriceps. Lunges are good because they target all leg muscle groups. It involves putting 1 foot forward from a standing position and lowering your body until the front knee is at an angle of 90 degrees. The back knee should be parallel to the floor.

Lift weights

Weight-lifting is good because it functions to strengthen the bones and exercises all major muscles in the body. Lifting weights has also been associated with increased levels of testosterone that in turn increases sex drive. This exercise will require you to either visit the gym or buy some workout machines like dumbbells. Form is important for weight lifting or you risk getting hurt, start with light weights and work your way up. Lifting weights goes in tandem with eating healthy food.

Other top tips to exercise for improved sexual health are:

  • Flex your hips.
  • Maximize your gluteus.
  • Build upper body strength

Most of the above tips to exercise for improved sexual health can be provided by sports. However, it is good to remember to rest comfortably using a comfortable mattress.

Sexual woman with muscles
Image: Womens Sexual Strength

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