Arty Sex!

As someone who just swoons over art, or anything with creative capabilities, this just sends my heart into a flutter!

I’m all about wonderful and fulfilling things to do in order to create meaning, purpose, happiness and this is nothing short of brilliant.

One iconic spin of this creative genius is the Yves Klein series where women became paintbrushes literally, and created art with their bodies. This was a performance piece titled “Anthropometries of the Blue Period”, 1962 Galerie International d’Art Contemporain, Paris, France. His “Anthropometries” series were radical and controversial because painting women’s bodies in paint and then instructing them to render there body as you would a paintbrush and create not only an installation piece but also a powerful work of art with the human body is mind-blowing and unheard of especially during that era.

But if that got your senses going forget the chocolate body paint or Nutella, and experience the seduction in covering your body in organic and sensual paint and taking your lover to ecstasy while documenting it on canvas.

Yes, you read that right! I want you to cover you and your partner’s body in paint and have sex on top of a canvas while your bodies create a masterpiece to hang on your wall which will truly be the most intimate artwork you will own. 

Nude Body Art
Nude Art
Making love and creating art have a lot of things in common especially passion and hard work, so why wouldn’t you want a memento to keep and be proud of every time you walk past it, because making love is hard work and we all deserve a trophy for that. there are many kits you can buy online or make yourself all you need is;
plastic tarp or large plastic drop sheet so you don’t make too much mess, body safe paint (organic is best), a sheet of canvas, your body and your lovers, and for those of you who are all about aftercare a loofah and some sensual body wash. 
Taking an erotic dance and creating art with it is relatively new, although the naked body has been presented on canvas for 1000’s of years through art. Even back to your cave paintings, nudity has always and will always be a major influence within the art world. Each and every artwork is unique and vivacious, each shows personality and unity and every time you create one it was ooze tantalising escapades of you and your partners mood and desires. 
the body during sex is very honest and thus it makes the perfect paintbrush, how more authentic can you get? you may create an erotic masterpiece that is full of explosion or a soft an gentle piece with small passionate movements.  
a bit of a history lesson for you:
the history of nude art has been a recurring theme especially in classical art mostly in the renaissance and neoclassical periods. the visual representation of the naked body is seen in many different forms be it sculptor, painting, photography, film, installation the list goes on. from this we can learn about the different aspects of sex within a society or era, it gives you an idea about fertility, beauty, national identity, morality and gender ideals.
the naked body has always been a principal subject for art, so no wonder throughout all the years we have witnessed such a wide range and influence where the naked body can not  only be objectified but also appreciated.
in ancient Greece the naked body was often depicted in symbolic ways, it was seen as a metaphor for often multifaceted and complex concepts.
take the roman goddess Venus she encompasses all things to do with love, beauty, sex, fertility and prosperity, and in the later classical tradition of the west Venus embodied love and sexuality.
in ancient Rome she embodied love, beauty, enticement, seduction, and in Latin orthography her name is derived from the noun Venus which means sexual love and sexual desire.
so why don’t you bring out your inner goddess, and bring your sexual desires out in the name of history and the evolution of the naked body in art. create an erotic and exciting master piece just for you and your lover and leave it all on the canvas in a time lapse of your moments of passion.
Erotic Art
Erotic Artistry
get messy with your and don’t forget to keep the passions going in the clean up after.
morgan x

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