Comforting Lady at Capella Singapore

Comforting Lady at Capella Singapore

At the sight of Capella Singapore, I couldn’t help but feel amazed at its beauty. I knew that this would mark a start of something new. As the cool air cut through my body while the moon shone bright such that I could clearly see every part of this sophisticated and luxurious hotel, I knew that something great was in store for me. What I couldn’t understand was what it was and how I could get it. I however decided to dismiss that feeling as I walked toward to my room. The beautiful receptionist waved as she called me to pick the keys to my room. Carried away in my thoughts, I had forgotten to pick the keys.

I walked to my room, dropped my luggage and walked out immediately. This urge to find something new was slowly growing inside. What was this something? How important would it be? How would it be of benefit to me? Of what importance would it be to me? These were some of the questions racing up and down my mind like an electric train.

As I walked towards the Knolls Italian Restaurant I suddenly lost appetite and decided to head toward the swimming pool. A few steps towards the swimming pool, my phone rang and it was Kate. She was asking me to create time for a weekend out. She was my two year girlfriend but the events that had happened over the last two weeks had created a drift between us. It was a drift I had a feeling that it would be near impossible to get filled. Something deep inside told me that it was over between me and her. Perhaps this was the reason I had decided to come to Capella Singapore alone without her company.

As I hang up, she was already yelling talking of how distant I had grown and how much she missed having some nice time with me. I was planning to make it known to her that I would not be keeping the relationship any longer. It was just a matter of time before I broke the bad news to her. But what worried me most was how I would manage to be all alone without anyone being by my side. Perhaps the thing I was feeling inside me was finding someone new. Or so I wished. After that call, I decided to walk towards the parking lot instead of the swimming pool.

As I looked at the sky, all I could see was the darkness of the night. My heart was filled with dark moments and I knew that I was not in my right condition. I wished that some light would shine and take away the darkness I was feeling inside. Then something strange happened. There was full moon on the sky. Strange as it was, the moon started shining so bright as if directed towards me. In the lonely path towards the parking lot, I started feeling like I had company. I started laughing as if life was just a cosmic joke and I had just gotten the punch line. My heart was filled with happiness I had never felt before and luckily no-one saw me or they would have thought me crazy. And in the middle of this lonely path, I knew that the thing I had been longing for had come.


Sad Woman
Photo: Woman Comforted


There seemed to be a communication between me and the moon. A closer look into the sky; I could see a giant star appearing closer to the moon. Was this significant? How come the moon shone suddenly and a bright star appeared next to it? These were questions lingering on my mind as I took a deep breathe to let go of the fear I felt inside. “Sorry madam”, I said as I staggered away from a lady I was almost knocking off the road. Carried in my thoughts and appearance of the moon, I had forgotten that in was walking.

The lady looked at me in shock. I was trying very hard to apologize but all she said was that everything was alright. As she walked past me towards the swimming pool, I was certain that this beautiful lady was what I needed.

I changed my mind and like an obsessed man ran toward my room, changed into my swimming costume and headed towards the swimming pool hoping that I would find her there. True to my wish, she was still at the swimming pool. What worried me was the fact that she wasn’t swimming. She was seated at the far end of the swimming pool looking disturbed. Not even the beautiful nature of this exotic setting could cheer her up. I knew something was wrong with her. The fact that she was not here with someone gave me a chance to talk to her. I walked towards the end where she was seated staring into the swimming pool. “Hi madam”, I said as I stretched my arm for a handshake.

True to my wishes, she stretched hers too and as our hands came to contact, blood was literally cuddling in my veins. I wished for us to stay with our hands in contact forever. Whether she felt the same way or not, I could not understand. I asked if we could sit and chat together and true to my expectations, she complied whole-heartedly. I knew from that moment that Kate and I were over for good. She made me feel things I had never felt before. As we talked throughout the night, she told me of how she had been hurt by James who happened to have been her previous boyfriend and how she had decided to come and try and get her head together, alone, like me at the Capella Singapore. I also poured out my heart to her; telling her of my history with Kate. What shocked me most was how I had suddenly gained my appetite and as we walked towards the well furnished Restaurant, I was certain that the feeling I had when I walked into this classy hotel had been fulfilled.

As we sat down to have our dinner together, I discovered that I hadn’t changed from my swimming costumes and I apologized for my attire but explained I had been captivated by our meeting and talking.  We talked for another few hours at the Restaurant and both began to feel comfortable with and about each other.  Finally, after the last glass of port was poured weariness finally overcame me having flown in from my home Country of Germany and I explained that however wonderful this night had been it was time for me finally to retire and could we meet again in the morning.

She surprised me by asking me if we could go to my room and continue or chat as she had never felt so understood and relaxed in the company of another man.  As we walked towards my room to have a ‘nice talk’, and that beautiful receptionist smiled at me once again, knowing that she had noticed the beauty in the lady I was walking with. “Forgive my manners, what’s your name?” I asked her as we entered my room. “Kate is my name”, she answered as we closed the door behind us and sunk into this romantically light room in Sentosa Island.


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